Susan Kauzlarich

University of California, Davis | Davis, CA | 2008

Susan Kauzlarich Portrait Photo

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. Awardees may choose to provide their latest biographical information on their profile page.

Susan Kauzlarich has been a professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis, since 1987. Dr. Kauzlarich received the Maria Goeppert Mayer Distinguished Scholar Award from Argonne National Laboratory in 1997. Dr. Kauzlarich has built and continues to develop a pipeline of women and underrepresented students into chemistry from high school through graduate study. She has received two awards for her mentoring efforts from the University of California, Davis: Outstanding Mentor Award from the Consortium for Women and Research (2002) and the Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award (2005). Dr. Kauzlarich has taken a one-on-one approach to her mentoring efforts and among her graduates are 25 Ph.D. and four M.S. students and 13 postdoctoral fellows. From high school students through postdoctoral fellows, Dr. Kauzlarich's award-winning students have been extremely well prepared to enter the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce through academia and industry.