Luis Villarreal

University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA | 2000

Luis Villarreal Portrait Photo

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. Awardees may choose to provide their latest biographical information on their profile page.

For more than 20 years, Dr. Villarreal has directed research and mentoring programs that have enhanced the science careers of hundreds of women and minority students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. His contributions include the implementation and management of an international research training program for minority students, now in its 6th year of operation; a laboratory research training program for 40 undergraduates and five graduate students per year; a bridge program that provides research training for community college students; and, a research-based course in writing that imparts communication and critical thinking skills to undergraduate students. During the past eight years, more than 225 students have benefited from Dr. Villarreal's commitment to mentoring. At least 50 of these students earned or are pursuing graduate degrees in science. Dr. Villarreal is presently a member of the faculty of the University of California, Irvine.