Aubrey Gorbman

University of Washington | Seattle, WA | 1998

Aubrey Gorbman Portrait Photo

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. Awardees may choose to provide their latest biographical information on their profile page.

Dr. Gorbman truly pioneered the concept of "science mentoring of women" by effectively advising a significant number of Ph.D. female students and postdoctoral associates at a time of significant underrepresentation. Dr. Gorbman has been retired for 12 years, and yet continues to keep as active as that experienced mentor that young researchers are happy to find. Over a span of 25 years, he advised 50 postdoctoral associates (13 of them women) and 16 Ph.D.s (nine women). Most of these women have made significant contributions to the field of research and are considered to be role models. Dr. Gorbman founded and meticulously edited the Journal of Comparative Endocrinology for 32 years. He included in the editorial board both women and minorities.